letter to the past

In order to be successful in the creative photography class, you must pay attention, stay on task and never procrastinate. If you aren’t paying attention to what the instructions are for a specific project then you won’t know what to do therefore you do not get a passing grade on the project. If you stay on task the whole class and keep up with your work you will not have to worry about it for homework and will always have extra time to do whatever. Some tips when taking pictures are to make sure you don’t just take them all at the same angle because then you really do not have anything to work with. The one image that i really like the most is the one where you take a picture of your face and then cut it in half and flipped it. I think that was my most successful project because it was a very simple project and the outcomes were very different. No ones project looked the same because everyone’s face is unique in their own ways. I could have had better lighting when i took the photos for this project but all together i think it turned out well.


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